How did Covid change sustainability events?

Covid-19 didn’t kill events, but it did change them. Teymoor Nabili and Veemal Gungadin tell the Eco-Business Podcast how a pandemic transformed the way sustainability events are conceived and organised.

Every conceivable type of event that tackles sustainability topics, from the World Economic Forum in Davos to Green Drinks at the local bar, was wiped out or forced online by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The shift to virtual events provided a silver lining in cost savings and environmental benefits – digital event platforms cut out air travel, airconditioned conference rooms and catering – but audiences missed out on the networking opportunities and coffee break gossip that virtual events have struggled to reproduce.

So how are event organisers managing sustainability events differently in the post-Covid era, and what’s being done to reduce their environmental footprint? And how are digital tools changing the nature of content at sustainability events?

Joining the Eco-Business podcast are Veemal Gungadin, founder and CEO of events technology company, which is behind the digital events platform GEVME, and Teymoor Nabili, chief executive and publisher at Tech for Impact, a sustainability innovation publication.

Tune in as we discuss:

  • How did Covid affect the sustainability of events?
  • How did Covid change sustainability event content?
  • Are sustainability events tamed by digital tools?
  • What’s the secret to being a good moderator?
  • What makes a great sustainability event?

The full transcript:

This is the Eco Business Podcast. I’m Robin Hicks.

Covid didn’t kill events, but it did change them. How has the pandemic reshaped sustainability events and how contentious topics like climate and diversity are tackled in public fora?

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, big sustainability events like Ecosperity and Asia Climate Forum either took a break or hurriedly went digital. In one fell swoop, the human interaction, coffee break gossip and free food for which people flocked to events were gone.

The events industry was faced with its Napster moment as online video platforms replaced hotel rooms and exhibition halls.

There were environmental benefits as out went airconditioned rooms, lavish catering and business travel flights.

But now that in-person events are coming back as the pandemic eases, how are they different? What do audiences expect of sustainability events in the post-Covid era?

If we can get Bill Gates to not turn up in his private jet, that’s going to do much more than everybody not bringing a business card.

Teymoor Nabili

Joining today’s podcast is Veemal Gungadin, founder and CEO of events technology company (which produced the digital events platform GEVME) and Teymoor Nabili, a broadcaster and anchor for the likes of CNBC and Al Jazeera. Teymoor is currently CEO and publisher of Tech for Impact, a sustainability innovation publication backed by Asian Development Bank.

Welcome to the podcast, chaps.

Veemal, how have you seen events change over the past few years from the sustainability perspective?

Veemal Gungadin [1.45]

Pre-Covid, sustainability was already becoming a big thing in the events industry. Then Covid hit and everything went virtual. Nobody liked it. But everyone was forced to do it – to the point where today kids and their grandparents all know how to use some kind of digital meeting or even or have even participated in some kind of digital event.

Events have been heavily hit from a revenue perspective and people have been leaving the industry. Many thought that when events came back, sustainability would be off the table; it would just about making ends meet and profitability.

But surprisingly, now that the world is opening up again and events are coming back again, they are coming back primarily in-person, as opposed to digital or even hybrid, and sustainability is back at the forefront.

Behaviour has changed though. Events have become more digital. We’re now used to, for example, scanning QR codes instead of using name cards, and exhibition brochures are going digital too. Badges are being printed on-site, on-demand to minimise the waste of those who don’t show up. Covid has helped accelerate all of this.

Teymoor Nabili [5.23]

I’m fascinated to know what is going to happen in the coming months and years. I think right now we’re definitely in that phase of ‘revenge activity’ — everybody wants to get back in front of each other, because we’re heartily sick of sitting here on virtual platforms.

But having said that, a lot has changed because the awareness of sustainability right now is an all-time high, isn’t it? The awareness of the damage that we’re doing [to the planet] is an all-time high. And I think everybody now is in a position where they’re going“Is that flight necessary?” How’s it going to help me to actually fly 2,000 km just so I can give a 45-minute keynote and go and shake a few customers’ hands.

[The question of] whether we are settling down into a post-Covid hybrid world, or going back into [a world where] everybody travels is fascinating to me.

Veemal Gungadin [6.30]

The pendulum has swung from one end to the other. But it’s going to normalise somewhere in the middle. Revenge travel or revenge meeting — that for sure is what’s driving the sentiment towards ‘let’s do an event, and let’s do it all in-person’ because everybody’s just excited about that…

Teymoor Nabili [6.55]

Veemal, forgive me for telling you how to run your business… but I think it’s incumbent upon companies like yours to discourage people from getting on planes, because let’s face it, the plane is the issue, travel is the issue, and all the resources that go into bringing people to a certain part of the world. 

The COP [United Nations Climate Change Conference] conferences are a case in point. I remember COP18 in Doha back in 2012. It was awful. I don’t know if you guys have ever been to Doha, but the place is an absolute furnace. They brought God knows how many hundreds or even thousands of people to the desert, to the Doha Convention Center, and created this extraordinary layout of air-conditioned desert luxury. The amount of carbon we must have pumped into the atmosphere over the course of that four or five days was exorbitantly stupid. That stuff has got to stop.

Robin Hicks [7.59]

Travel is a big piece of it, isn’t it? Also food, food wastes, hotel expenses, that sort of thing.

Personally, I’ve really wanted to get back to physical events. Even an introvert like myself has to meet people, right? It’s my job as a journalist. You need to. It’s not just the events themselves. To be frank, I think some of the speeches and seminars often miss the mark — it’s the coffee breaks, the interaction, the networking that I think people really value.

Veemal, you mentioned business cards and that side of thing going virtual and using QR codes instead. I just wondered in places like Japan, where the business card is such an important part of making a [business] connection, will we ever lose the business card? Do you think?

Veemal Gungadin [8.54]

First, Teymoor did make a really good point. People are starting to ask themselves the question: Was it really meaningful to fly 2,000 miles to attend a conference or to go to a board meeting, when this could just have been done online?

There is room for just pure online interactions and room for just in-person interactions.

Going back to business cards… China is another country where giving out business cards has been a big part of the [business] tradition. But it’s almost gone now. Now, nobody gives out a business card anymore in China. They just use their WeChat QR code to exchange contacts. Covid is also a factor, because people don’t want to touch something that somebody else has just touched.

Event organisers by nature are busy… there are so many breaking points… putting in the right measuring tools and tracking things are not their top priorities. 

Veemal Gungadin

We’ve seen a big shift in behaviour. Name cards have not necessarily disappeared altogether, but they’re diminishing at a rapid rate. 

Teymoor Nabili [11.30]

I’m going to be a little intransigent on this. I think the business card argument is like the drinking straw argument. Yes, it’s a nice thing to do. And it says okay, this is my demonstrative effort to recognise what’s going on. But it’s the planes that matter. If we can get Bill Gates to not turn up in his private jet, that’s going to do much more than everybody not bringing a business card. 

Robin Hicks [12.03]

I do get funny looks, though, when I offer someone a business card, and they then offer me their mobile phone and give me a sort of a disapproving frown. But point taken — air travel is definitely the biggest part of it.

So, let’s talk about content now. What are the dominant sustainability themes of the moment? What is sexy and what isn’t?

Teymoor Nabili [12.40]

Allow me to expand into a macro-perspective for a second. The content should speak to the event itself. If we’re going to gather a lot of people around a table and say, we’ve brought you here specifically so you can get together face-to-face because that’s where the value lies, then the content is absolutely vital to that process.

Very often, people are arranging conferences and award ceremonies as a marketing gimmick. They’re not bringing people together to have a substantive discussion. They’re not bringing people together to drive action, or to create impact. They’re just bringing people together so that they can do the bit that you find value in, Robin, which is to have the coffees afterwards.

What you end up with in content terms at the end of the day is a few random people from the sponsors sitting on a panel and chatting about random things and waiting to the point where they can go and have a drink together and do some proper business afterwards. I think even organisers need to rethink that whole model. 

So, in a business conference, that there is always a sustainability panel that is relevant to that business, and it’s the relevance to the business that matters. Sorry, a bit of a rant there…

To your specific question, what are the themes of the moment… That’s a really fascinating question, and you’re probably better place to answer it, Robin, given that you’re in the in the daily news business of creating this stuff.

But in the post-Covid, post-heatwave, post-Arctic melting conversations, everybody is now looking to understand the real impact of the climate conversation. And I think that offers us an opportunity to raise subjects that resonate with the ordinary public and conference attendees doing business in their own environments, rather than sit there and show them pictures of skinny polar bears and try and make them feel guilty.

Robin Hicks [15.19]

Yes, a lot of sustainability events are marketing-driven. Often as a journalist, I’m sat there waiting for someone to say something interesting, so that I can write a story, but often I’m left wanting. My question to you both is, what is the secret to unlocking a sustainability event to get content that people find really valuable — that actually challenges a tough topic, like say, decarbonisation, or climate? Are we using the right format to tackle these really complex topics?

Teymoor Nabili [15.59]

One of the questions we have to consider is the sustainability conference in itself. Does that have a shelf life? Or does sustainability eventually become a part of every other conference and disappear as subject matter in itself? Because it’s like digitalisation, once upon a time, you had companies with digital specialists. And now everybody has to be a digital specialist. It’s not a specialist field. Everybody has to engage with digital. At some point, every conference is going to have a sustainability element. So it’s not a matter of sustainability conferences so much as getting the right sustainability content into every conference.

Robin Hicks [16.49]

We’ve talked about digital, in-person and other ways to bring content to life… Are there any ways that you’ve noticed that are particularly effective in tackling tough subjects, for instance, I’m sometimes frustrated that I find the Q&A part of an event quite curated, even censored. The awkward questions that panelists are asked at the end, are carefully selected to avoid embarrassment, or avoid an awkward question, or someone looking a bit silly. But for me those questions are crucial for bringing out or tackling tough subjects.

Veemal Gungadin [17.32]

The use of digital tools for the question-and-answer section definitely doesn’t help [tackling tough subjects]. Posting a question on a [digital] tool actually makes it so much easier to get moderated. And that’s what’s been happening in many events to avoid tough questions.

But what I’m looking forward to — which I think doesn’t really happen yet — is for events in general to be sustainable themselves. There’s so much talk about it, but less really happening.

The problem is… there’s this dirty secret about events…. we tend to favour more in-person interactions. But with in-person interactions, people travel by plane, by private jets in the worst of cases — and this is the biggest carbon footprint of events. And even the biggest, most popular events shy away from from tackling that.

There are other ways to make events more sustainable. One of the easiest ways is to book a venue that is certified sustainable. But what about food wastage? And what about bringing in food that is sustainable, or using sustainable materials rather than plastic bottle water bottles? 

So there are a whole range of things that we can do to make physical events more sustainable, but currently not much is being done.

Digital events are a no-brainer [to make events more sustainable]. For example, if you bring about 500 people to talk on a certain topic all online as opposed to bring them all together physically, you can save 75 per cent or 80 per cent of the carbon. 

Robin Hicks [21.13]

Event organisers are being asked to go green, but measuring the environmental footprint of an event is difficult, right? How are event organisers going about it, and are they getting it right?

Veemal Gungadin [21.31]

I think event organisers by nature are just busy. Their main goal is to organise and run the event and that in itself is a big job. There are so many breaking points, so many things to look at. And that’s why putting in the right measuring tools and then tracking things well are not their top priorities. 

What’s going to help are government policies that require corporate events to meet sustainability targets. And we’re starting to see that here in Singapore. 

I’ll give you one example. Let’s say an exhibition has 200 exhibitors each with their own booth. The materials that are used are in most cases discarded once the event is over. There’s talk about using reusable components for exhibitions.

Often, people are arranging events as a marketing gimmick. They’re not bringing people together to have a substantive discussion. They’re not bringing people together to drive action or create impact. 

Teymoor Nabili

But I was just speaking with an organiser just last week, a huge one for that matter. They are looking for contractors who can use these reusable components, but they just can’t find them. It’s as if the materials are not here, the technology is not here. Unless there is top-down pressure, it’ll be difficult to change mindsets.

Robin Hicks [23.56]

It’s frustrating. It is amazing to me that at the biggest sustainability event in Singapore a few weeks ago, they were still serving water in plastic bottles. And in discussions on diversity, we’re still seeing “manels” dominated by white men or men at least. So these mistakes are still being made at sustainability events.

Teymoor, what’s secret to unlocking a really interesting panel discussion?

Teymoor Nabili [24.40]

If I told you my secrets, I’d have to kill you!

To your earlier point about moderation and censorship, this ties back into my previous comments about the genesis of the event itself, because so many of them are just marketing exercises and to a large extent that leads to a certain greenwashing procedure, which is the censorship that you talked about.

I happen to think that the digital tools for Q&As are very valuable, particularly in Asia, where some people are very reticent to get up in front of a microphone. And when they do, they don’t want to put the panelists on the spot by asking tough questions. So the moderation is absolutely key.

And if the moderator can be involved, to a large extent, with the way the event is run, [he or she can be] making the points that need to be made in the most effective way possible.

Some of these tools that allow people to send in anonymous questions are really good, so long as the moderator is up to coping with it and is allowed to manage the questions.

It comes back to the organisation, because half the time moderators are members of the sponsorship team or somebody who’s involved in the event, and they’re part of the attempt to market the event rather than to get to the truth.

So if one starts a sustainability event, or any event from the proposition that we are here to make an impact, we’re here to drive action, then you’re beginning a whole different set of circumstances and setting in motion a whole different way of approaching the process.

I think content needs to be at the heart of the process for these events, and not the afterthought.

Events are big business these days, but events are not about driving action, they’re just about bringing people to a place in order to generate revenue. I’m sorry to be so cynical about this, but we see it every time.

To the point about [the value in] shaking hands and stuff… I am desperately waiting for a time when companies like GEVME develop the next generation of digital interactive tools. Because shaking hands with people and having engaged in-person conversations can to a certain extent be achieved online as well. But we just don’t have a proper tool to do it. The little additive bits that we have on many of these platforms just aren’t up to the task.

Someone with a really good sense of user experience and user interaction software needs to build a platform that allows people to engage with each other in a really intuitive way. People do this on Facebook all the time. Why can’t they do it on some kind of conference platform? 

Veemal Gungadin [27.41]

This has been pretty much been the Holy Grail of networking online. You’re spot on – companies like Facebook, have nailed it. But in the case of events, which are ephemeral communities built around certain topics, the traction has not really happened. As an industry, and not just our platform, there are so many different ways of interacting and engaging online that are being tried.

Robin Hicks [28.58]

Yes, I’ve had a few awkward conversations in virtual breakout rooms. Some conversations have been quite good, but some have been quite stilted…

I would disagree that all events aren’t worth turning up to, because I mentioned that physical interaction, that coffee break moment – not necessarily the speeches and the presentations – and talking to people is absolutely crucial.

I wants to finish by asking what the secret is to a really engaging events and how can we avoid boring, overly curated sustainability events.

Also, I wanted to ask about the best event that you guys have ever been to.

For me, it was an event called Plasticity at the United Nations in Bangkok.

There’s so much talk about it [sustainable events], but less really happening.

Veemal Gungadin

At the end of the event, they had a role-play segment. Different parts of the audience played the role of the government, an NGO and business. They had to present their take on the introduction of a plastic ban.

It was really interesting, fun way to tackle a really difficult subject – and in a lighter way.

So chaps, what’s the secret to a great event? And what’s the best event you’ve been to?

Veemal Gungadin [30.36]

There’s an association called SACEOS (Singapore Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers). We held an event in January 2020 for their 40th anniversary. Sustainability was a big topic there. The idea was to make it as experiential as possible. That’s what really made it special for me, because rather than talking about sustainability, it was more about showing the things that can be done practically and how things can be measured.

Starting from the venue, we spoke about [how to manage] food wastage, sustainable food – vegetables were being grown in the compounds of the venue itself – all the way to what contractors were doing with regards to using modular components that could be set up, dismantled and used again.

We also looked at airconditioning and moderating temperature at an optimal level to be able to reduce electricity usage. Also, we looked at reducing no plastic with, for example, plastic pouches for badges, water bottles, spoons, you name it. So the whole experience was pretty cool.

Robin Hicks [32.30]

As you mentioned earlier, the elephant in the room is that events are a high-footprint activity. So Teymoor, the secret to an engaging event and the best one you’ve been to…”

Teymoor Nability [32.49]

That’s a really tough question, isn’t it? Everyone has different assessments of what success is. It’s also a very intangible area, isn’t it? It’s like movies. Some people spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a movie and produce a complete turkey. And some spend very little produce a really good film. Events are the same.

The issue is that there are so many moving parts. And sometimes getting them all together in the same place is alchemy rather than planning.

Having said that, I think there are a few things that are very relevant. All the stuff that Veemal just said about metrics around the event itself, and being able to prove that the event itself has made an effort to be sustainable. That’s valuable in terms of sending a message and achieving sustainable impact.

But at the heart of it, for me a good event is an event from which I have learned something and in which I think I have been empowered to do something meaningful. Otherwise there’s no point.

To your point, Robin, it may just be meeting somebody really important, but so long as that meeting leads to action. Because for me, a successful event is an event that drives action and that leads to some kind of outcome.

Going to a place and sitting there and talking away and meeting a few people and having some drinks maybe fun, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

So making a good event depends on a couple of things.

Firstly, the organiser needs to make a point to say: “We’re going to drive action rather than just operate a marketing exercise.”

Secondly, the content is absolutely key, the content is always the king.

And if you don’t bring together people on a panel who are addressing a specific topic, a specific problem and proposing solutions, then I think you’re wasting everybody’s time.

Just general chitchat is not particularly interesting.

The moderator has to be able to drive that conversation and bring it to a conclusion from which people can walk away thinking we’ve learnt something, and we can do something here.

So: create the content around specific problems to be solved, bring to the table people who can speak to that problem very directly, and have a moderator who can organise that conversation in a way that leads to meaningful outcomes.

That for me is a successful event.

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IP address of the accessing computer/device
Date, time, and duration of your visit
Name and URL of the accessed pages
Identification data of the browser and operating system used
Website from which the data was accessed
Name of your internet access provider
The nature and content of the information collected via cookies differs, as does the period for which this information is retained. In line with our data protection obligations, we will ensure that this retention period is not excessive, and that the data is only retained for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
If you wish to know more, or if you wish to identify the exact retention periods, please contact our office.
The data listed above is only analysed for statistical purposes and for improving our internet presence, then it is deleted. We will not attempt to personally identify you from your IP address unless required to as a matter of law or regulation or in order to protect our rights, or other customers’ rights.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can set your browser options so that you will not receive cookies and you can also delete any existing cookies from your browser. Should you wish to opt out of Google Analytic tracking across all websites please visit: Please note, you may find that some parts of the site will not function properly if you refuse cookies.
Direct Marketing Communications
If you have chosen to opt-in to our direct marketing communications, we will use your information to tell you about products and services available from us which may be of interest to you. We may also use your information to tell you about products and services from our approved partners.
You have a right to opt-out of our direct marketing communications at any time. You can opt-out by following the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the communication or by contacting our office.
Links to other third-party websites
Please note that this data privacy notice only applies to Vexhibitions Ltd. and we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by third parties, such as those where our website may provide links and banner advertisements to third party sites. Since we do not control these websites, you are responsible for reviewing and abiding by the privacy policies of these third-party sites to ensure they comply with the applicable data protection regulations.


How long will the data be stored for?
Where possible, Vexhibitions Ltd. will take steps to erase any personal data that is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it is collected or otherwise processed, or if you have withdrawn consent for its processing and retention.
As a general rule, if you currently have a contract or intend to enter into a contract with Vexhibitions Ltd., we will store the data for a period of six years for compliance with our general legal obligations and for the exercise or defence of any legal claims.
Under the GDPR, you have the right to ‘block’ or request the deletion or removal of personal data to prevent further processing. This right to erasure is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’. Specific circumstances in which you can request the deletion or removal of personal data includes:
Where the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it is collected or otherwise processed
Where you withdraw consent
When you object to the processing and there is no overriding legitimate interest for continuing the processing
Where the personal data was unlawfully processed (i.e. otherwise in breach of the GDPR)
Where the personal data has to be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation
In case a deletion is not possible due to legal, statutory, or contractual retention periods, or if it requires disproportionate efforts or prejudices your legitimate interests, the data will be blocked instead of deleted.
Sharing of data with other data controllers
Here at Vexhibitions Ltd. we take your privacy seriously and the information we hold about you is confidential. We will only disclose it outside Vexhibitions Ltd. when:
you have given us your consent to do so
it is necessary for the performance of an agreement of which you will be made aware
in order to obtain professional advice (e.g. legal advice)
we or others need to investigate or prevent crime (e.g. to fraud prevention agencies)
the law permits or requires it
regulatory or governmental body requests or requires it, even without your consent
there is a duty to the public to reveal the information



Fraud Prevention
If you give us false or inaccurate information and fraud (in any form) is identified, details will be passed to the fraud prevention agencies. We and other organisations may also share, access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example when:
checking details on applications for credit and credit related or other facilities
managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities
recovering debt
checking details of job applicants and employees
In addition, law enforcement agencies may access and use this information.
Protecting your privacy
In order to protect the personal data collected from you by Vexhibitions Ltd. against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or the access of unauthorised persons, technical and organisational security measures are constantly improved as part of our technological development. In addition, our employees, subcontractors, and other support staff are obligated to observe confidentiality and data privacy.
Wherever possible, we have tried to create a secure and reliable website for our users. However, you recognise that your use of the Internet and our website is entirely at your own risk and we have no responsibility or liability for the security of personal information transmitted via the Internet.
All passwords and usernames allocated to you must be kept secret and must not be disclosed to anyone without our prior written authorisation. You must not use any false identity in email or other network communications, and you must not attempt or participate in the unauthorised entry or viewing of another user’s account or into another system.
You must not use the services and/or network systems or any part thereof for fraudulent activities, or to breach another organisation’s security (cross-network hacking). This is an illegal act and prosecution under criminal law may result. You must not use any computers, computer equipment, network resources or any services provided by us for any illegal purpose, or for accessing, receiving or transmitting any material deemed illegal, indecent, offensive or otherwise unacceptable under UK law.
We will monitor network traffic from time to time for the purposes of backup and problem solving and in order to ensure that you are not misusing any of the services provided to you.
If at any time we become aware that your data has been compromised, or that a breach of our systems and controls has occurred, which has an impact on the security of your data, we will notify the Information Commissioner’s Office, and you, without undue delay.


Subject Access Requests
You have the right to request access to a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. This is also known as a ‘Subject Access Request’. This information is provided to you free of charge. However, we can refuse to respond or charge a ‘reasonable fee’ of £25 inc. VAT when a request is manifestly unfounded, excessive, or repetitive.
If you would like to submit a Subject Access Request, please contact our office in writing.
We will respond to your request without delay and at the latest, within one month of receipt of your request.
Rectifying or updating personal data
If you believe the personal data, we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to rectification. Where possible, we will also inform any third parties to whom we have disclosed the personal data in question to so they can rectify their records.
We will typically respond to your request within one month, although this can be extended by two months if your request for rectification is complex.
Withdrawing Consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent for us to collect, process and store your data at any time. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please confirm this in writing to our office.
Right to complain
If you have a complaint about any aspect of data protection or if you feel your privacy has been breached by us, we would like to hear from you. To help us investigate and resolve your concerns as quickly as possible, please contact our office.
If you are unhappy with the final response you have received from Vexhibitions Ltd., you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) within three months of your last meaningful contact with us. You can call the ICO on 0303 123 1113 or by visiting their website:
Changes to the Privacy Policy
Due to the further development of our website, government regulations, or the implementation of new technologies, this policy will be reviewed and may change, from time to time. Vexhibitions Ltd. reserves the right to change this data protection information at any time with effect for the future. The revised policy will be posted on this page so that you are always aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. We, therefore, recommend you read the current data protection information again from time to time.
Last updated: 17 September 2018


We want to make your online experience and your interaction with our website as informative, relevant, and user-friendly as possible, so we use cookies and similar methods. It is important to us that you know which cookies are used on our website and what they are used for. This helps protect your data and ensures that our website is as user-friendly as possible.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end devices (computer or mobile device) when you visit certain websites. These files (methods) are called “cookies”.
Why are cookies used?
There are a number of reasons why cookies are used. Firstly, cookies may be required for the website to work properly. For example, without cookies, a website cannot know that you have logged in or which products you have put in your shopping basket. These are known as “strictly necessary cookies”.
Secondly, cookies can also be used to analyse how the website is being used, know how many visitors it has, and learn how the website could be improved. We do not link the statistics on website usage and other reports to any individuals. These types of cookies are called “performance cookies”.
Thirdly, “targeted or advertising cookies” enable social networks to be integrated into the website. This means that you can immediately ‘Like’ a page or product or share it on your preferred social network.
How can I adjust my cookie settings?
You have the option to adjust your cookie settings for any website. By clicking on “Cookies”, you can choose what types of cookies you wish to enable on websites. You can change your settings at any time. Please note that changing your cookie settings will not delete any cookies that have already been collected. To delete them, you can go to your internet browser settings as described below. If you visit a website that is aimed at customers outside the EU, you can make changes regarding cookies and data protection in your internet browser settings.
How can I manage or disable cookies?
Please note that Vexhibitions Ltd. does not use any technical solutions that enable it to respond to a “Do Not Track” request from your browser. However, you can manage your cookie settings at any time using your browser settings. If you disable all cookies in the browser settings, this can mean that sections or functions of the Vexhibitions Ltd. website do not work. The following list provides information about how to disable or manage your cookie settings according to the particular browser you are using:
• Google Chrome:
• Firefox:
• Internet Explorer:
• Safari:

This cookie policy has been created and updated by


We’re committed to running our business to highest ethical and legal standards and as such want to ensure an open, transparent, and safe working environment. We take malpractice extremely seriously, whether it is committed by a colleague, supplier, customer, or any other company or individual.
This statement applies to all individuals, contractors and third parties. It is intended to complement statutory protection and, for the avoidance of doubt, statutory rights will not be affected in anyway by this statement.
Colleagues and those who work closely with any business are often the first to realise that something doesn’t seem quite right but may feel they can’t share their concerns, thinking that by speaking up they’re being disloyal to their colleagues or to the Company. They might also be worried about being harassed or victimised if they do speak up. In these circumstances it may be easier to ignore the concern rather than report what may just be a suspicion of malpractice. At Vexhibitions Ltd., we’re committed to running our business to high ethical and legal standards along with protecting and supporting colleagues and third parties ability to speak up so that concerns or issues can be escalated and dealt with effectively, in the interests of the business, its colleagues, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
In line with those commitments, we expect colleagues and others that we deal with, who have serious concerns about any aspect of the Company’s operation to come forward and raise their concerns. We recognise that most cases are submitted on a confidential basis and as such we operate a ‘Tell Us’ helpline, which is run by an external, independent company. This provides a safe, simple, and consistent way to raise concerns when normal channels for escalation are not possible or inappropriate.
Our policy is that colleagues and others should be able to raise matters of concern confidentially or anonymously. Vexhibitions Ltd. will do its best to protect the identity of anyone raising a concern, however it must be appreciated that any investigation process may reveal the source of the information and a statement may be required as part of the evidence.
The Company is committed to ensuring that all individuals have the ability to raise genuine concerns in good faith without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination, or disadvantage, even if they turn out to be mistaken.